Last summer, in 2020 in the jist of the whole Covid-19, I did not have a job and was just going to school. I felt pretty miserable that I didnt have my first job. I did have one job before but I wasnt motivated. This time I was very motivated to get a job. To get that work experience and get out there and try something new. So I started applying for jobs. I applied for so many jobs and I really tried my best to find any job that would hire me. That is a lie, I did apply for jobs but I wasnt happy because I felt like those types of jobs werent for me. I didn't think the work force was for me. That is why I went to school. Anyways, after all the jobs I applied for, only 2 jobs came about. One for gamestop(ideal because I love Games) and Chipotle. I went to both interviews and didnt get a single call back. I was pretty bummed until my old friend from high school gave me a call. He asked if I was looking for a job and I said yes. Its like it was meant to be because it was all perfect timing. I never felt so happy to work and get out there in the work field.
I was scared on the first day of work. I had no clue what I was doing becasue I went from playing videos games everyday to using tools I never used before. I didnt do much on my first day and to be honest, I was thinking about quiting because of how hard it was. If it wasnt for my friend/coworker 'Adrian' I wouldve left, He took me under his wing and taught me everything he knew. He helped me grow and become more confident in myself. Today, I am working and installing floor for this company. I am only a helper but I like to think of myself as a home remodler. I still have much more to learn and Im sure there are more challenges to come but look at me so far, I never thought I would be installing floor but here I am. Its truly a blessing in my life and with the pandemic going on and people losing their jobs Im forever grateful that I got this job and I am working.
As for the future of my Job, I look forward to learning everything that has to do with flooring. Its going to take time but once Im ready I will be joining my friend Adrian to his company and becoming a full time installer. At that point I will feel proud of myself for ever making it that far. I will be grateful for ever meeting my friend and I will be grateful for this Job and respect it so much more. Flooring is a big job and when you are helping people remodel their house to how they want it, it just makes it so much better. I hope to continue making people happy with the floor and continue living my life knowing that it couldve all never happend. At that point, I will always be grateful.