My love for video games began when I was about 3 years old. My first game ever was Galaga, and it was the most fun Ive had playing something that took me out of reality and made me feel so happy. At this moment I knew I wanted to play games for the rest of my life. Now i play almost every day but I wouldnt call it an addiction becuase I know that if its something I love then I know that its alright. I wouldn't live this world if I cant do what I love and that is video games
I love to play first person shooter games! It gets me into the action and It gets my blood pumping! I get really excited and very competitive when it comes to these types of game but I love to get better and try to be the best I could possibly be.
I use to play on console when I first started to play games. I grew up with this concept and it was my main source of video games. As i grew up, i started looking on youtube and seeing all these different types of gamers that created content and I saw that most of them use a computer. I never knew you could play games on a computer before. I saved so much money so that I could get one and soon enough I got a decent computer and I insantly fell in love with it. I dont know what I would be doing if i didnt have my gaming computer. Its honestly the best thing I have ever purchased!