I edit my photos in lightroom first. Its the best way to bring in a photo I took and make sure it is exposed correctly, make sure the colors are good and most importantly make sure the photo is good! I really like this process the most because I can paint the photo in my head and could tell if it could be a great photo. I usually rate my images but if im ready then I take a look at some of my presets. These presets could really make the photo. Its like a filter but I dont like to think of it as that. Its just making sure the photo is properly lit and some of the colors pop more than the others. Once Im happy with what I see then I take it into photoshop! This part could get hard sometimes becasue I get stuck and dont know what I want out of a photo. I could literally do anything with my photo but its just a matter of making sure what I do is worth it. I dont want to just make something, I want to create something that I'm going to be proud of. Photoshop could be great for getting rid of things that I dont want in the photo, but I never use it for things like making my butt bigger or waist skinnier. ONLY if i need to.
Along with Peter McKinnon, I love to listen to music when editing my photos. It gets me into my creative mode and gets me working. I sometimes look at social media to see what kind of ideas I could get out of something but I tend to not look to long because I dont want to copy somebody or make something because I thought it looked cool for somebody else's photo. I want to make sure I make it by myself becasue I feel more proud about what I created. If music doesn't do anything then I will sometimes go outside or talk with my family. This takes me of my phone and into the real world where there are real world experiences. The best photo is something that can relate to the person viewing it, so it would make sense to bring inspirtaion from the real world into my pictures. And I could get some of that by just going outside. Another thing I love to do is take a look at some of my other work. This could help to try to improve on things I've shouldve done in previous photos. There is always mistakes so its better to learn from them and just become better.
I hope to soon take enough great pictues to where I could have my own portfolio of my edits. I want this so that when somebody ask me what kind of photos I take I could easily show them this. I dont really have that right now because I sort of have random photos of everything. I havent found that one subject that I love to take pictures of. But once I do , you bet I will take as many photos of it and make it my favorite thing to do. As of right now, I am only a beginner and I want to become an amatuer and take photos on a regular basis. That way I can find what I like and show off any that I am very proud of. Its a long way but I believe it will all be worth it in the end